Germany's Hesse State Finance Minister Thomas Schaefer committed suicide after apparently suffering from "deep concern," state Prime Minister Volker Schaefer, 54, was found dead near the railway track Saturday. The Wesbadan Prosecution Office said they believed his death was a suicide. "We are in shock, we are in disbelief, and above all we are very sad," Buffer said in a recorded statement. Hesse is located in Frankfurt, Germany's financial capital, where it is headquartered with major lenders such as Deutsche Bank and Commercial Bank. The European Central Bank is also based in Frankfurt. A surprisingly shocked Buffer recalled that Schaefer, who had been finance chief for Hess for 10 years, was working "day and night" to help companies and workers cope with the economic effects of the pandemic. He left behind a wife and two children.
Generosity isn't just being kind or nice once in a lifetime,
It's being good all the time.
You shouldn't just be nice on a specific day or holiday,
Generosity is a full time job.
It's a characteristic of a Muslim isn't it enough for you?
To follow in the steps of the Prophets
And listen to the word of God.
If you can't do this one simple thing
How do you call yourself a Muslim?
There are numerous ways for you to be generous
Some of us don't even try.
Be generous and
Your life just might seem just a little bit brighter.
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